Music Therapy

What is healing?
What is Music Therapy?
About Me
Therapy Sessions
Dream and Music - Guided Imagery and Music
Dying and Music
Hearing Impaired and Music
Piano Lessons

My Journey

Where I came from - Three significant death in my childhood -



地図無き旅 - 私の人生における3つの大きな別れ























              大抵の朝、私はその待ち時間を、読書をしながら過ごした。正確に言うと、私は本を読んでいた訳ではない。私にとって読書はある種の夢想状態に入り込むための手段であり、そこでは私の意識的な精神は、魂の夢想状態に入り込んでいたのである。ガストン・バシュラールは夢想について、「私たちは読んでいたのであり、そして今私たちは夢を見ている」(1969. p.65) と述べているが、私自身、我々と世界との間の境界を取り壊すこの夢想の力について、証言することができる。この境目において、私はその瞬間に体験しているものと一体となり、自分の自我(ego mind)の小さな房に安置されていると感じることができた。この幸せな空間の中では、私は当然ものとされている「時間」と「空間」の要素が、一瞬にして消え去った世界に居住していた。それ故私は、この夢想に入り込むための手段としての読書を行なっていると、朝などはあっという間に過ぎ去ってしまうということに、一度たりとも驚いたことはなかった。夢想という孤独のなかで朝が過ぎ去り、薄暗い夜明けが黄色い太陽に包まれた午後に変わっていることに気が付くのは、何とも爽快なことだったことか!


              メランコリーもまた、魂を精神の足枷から解き放ち、この世界、特に傷つき易いものが花開く瞬間に持ち合わせる魅力に私たちが惹かれるあの場所へと、突き落とす力を持っている。メランコリーに掴まれると、我たちは悟らされる、「この日を生き抜ける保証が無いこと、そのことに気が付いたときから、私たちにとって生はとてつもなく大きなものになる」(Levine, S. 1982. p.74) ということを。私たちが最も愛する者たちが、その一日の終わりにドアをくぐって帰ってくるという保証が全くないことを。ある瞬間、私の弟、祖母と叔父は私と一緒にその部屋にいたのであり、次の瞬間、彼らはいなくなっていた。私の今の生き方は、私たちが愛する者の存在は非常に脆く、一時的なものに過ぎないということの認識、他の何よりもこの認識によって、形作られている。




              したがって、私はメランコリーが神経症(neurotic)の状態であるという考えを受け入れることはできない。しかしこれはまさにシグモンド(Sigmund)フロイト(Freud)が、彼の大きな影響力を持った著作である「(Mourning)( and)メランコリア( Melancholia)」(1957)で示した見解である。フロイトにとって、メランコリーは失敗した(mourning)であり、特に死んでしまった者を解き放つことに失敗してしまった自我(ego )精神( mind)にとって、一種の拒絶であった。喪の状態を特徴付ける、死者とから少しずつ離れて行く過程において、メランコリックな状態にある個人は失った者と自身を同一視する。彼はまるでその者が死んでいないように振る舞い続け、そうすることによって過去を繰り返し続けようとする、失ったものの写しを誰かの中に見つけようとして。ある意味では、メランコリックな状態にあるものは死んだ過去の中に葬られてしまっているのである。




              私はフロイトが、メランコリーが持つこの感動的な特徴を、見逃していたと考えている。それは彼が悲哀(grief)(mourning)自我(ego)精神( mind)の立場から見ていたからであり、不思議にも、見晴らしの良い、(soul)の立場から見つめていなかったからである。私も自身の経験から、メランコリーから忙しさに任され、現実に急ぎ戻されたと感じた瞬間、私のメランコリーを他人に非難されたことも多くあった。友人からは、私が絶望の泥濘の中で溺れかけているように見えていたかも知れない。しかし、私は決してそうはしていなかった。むしろ逆に、私は魂に導かれ、喪を抜ける冬の行路を歩み、自身のコントロールを超えたそのリズムに逆らわずに生きていた。その喪の過程で私の魂は私を一個人の喪失から、全ての創造物を特徴づける、愛と喪失の壮大な物語に解き放ってくれたのである。




この観点からすると、私が思うに、フロイトが診断した患者は、彼ら自身の悲しみを通じて、この大きなものとの繋がりへの自我(ego )精神(mind)の渇望を、表していたのである。この繋がりは、我々が何世紀も前に自我精神を、前世紀の後半にその症状と共にフロイトの診断室へ足をひきずって入っていったあの自我精神を生み出したことによって、失ってしまったものであった。個人的な喪失と喪の過程を通じて、現代の自我精神は魂とそのより広い愛の野原との繋がりを失ったことに、悲哀を表していたのである。ここから、私は、メランコリーは魂がより精神を深め、個人の生を、その集団的で個人を超えた側面を含めて、取り戻そうとする方法であると考えるのである。







初めてのGuided Imagery and Music (GIM) セッションで経験した深い悲哀




医師であり、病気の中において祈りが持ちうる力について雄弁に論じているラリー(Larry)ドッシー(Dossey)は、天使のことを失われた(missing)繋が( link)と呼んでいる。精神から物質への降下であるところの招き(invitiation)の概念(これは、物質から理性への昇華を強調するダーウィン的な進化の概念とは逆の行路である)を弁護する彼の著書「天使たち:失われた繋がり」の中で、彼は以下のように述べている。「神と、天からの降下におけるあの最後の段階との間のどこかに、確かに存在するのが天使的(angelic)領域(domain)である」と。私には彼が正しいのかどうかは分からないし、それを確かめる術は存在しない。彼の主張は経験的な事実に基づくものではないから。私たちの前に、天使の存在を刻み込んだ石や骨の化石は存在しない。それでもなお、私たちは何故か、この主張にある種の真理が宿っていることを知っている。仮に頭で理解してないとしても、私たちは心の中で知っている。精神と心が物事を異なった理解の仕方をする、というこのことは決定的に重要であり、ドッシーが指摘しているように、私たちが綿々と存在する天使の存在を感知するか否かは、私たちが物事をどのように見ているかという私たち自身の態度の問題なのかもしれない。きっと、批判的な精神は天使が存在する可能性すら疑い、彼らに居場所を与えることはできず、天使の存在を受け止めることはできないのだろう。そしてもしかしたら、私たちの中の悲しみが、精神と既存の物事の捉え方を壊し、私たちが本当に理性を失ったときに初めて、私たちには天使が現れるためのほんの小さな空間が空けられるのかも知れない。








私はゴッホの絵画、「星月夜(Starry Night)」を見ると、この全ての創造物と一体であるという感覚を取り戻すことができる。彼はあの鮮やかな天蓋の光の下、何を感じていたのだろう?私はあの絵画に喜びと悲しさを見出す。私たちもこれらの星雲の一員であり、この天なる光が私たちに触れ、天使的なものが私たちの魂のほこりを取り払ってくれるということに気が付いたことに対する喜び、そしてある種の祝賀(celebration)。私たちがこの全ての創造物との繋がりの瞬間からどれだけ離れてしまっていて、私たちの人生が常に喪失と悲しみによって中断されている、そのことに気がついたことに対する悲しみ。それでもなお、私は天使を見ることができた瞬間、私たちにとって最も深く痛みを伴う悲しみでさえ、精神的(spiritual)強度(intensity)を持ちうることを知った。天使を通じて、私は個人的な悲しみや喪失が、精神的な変革の瞬間たりうることを知ったのである。


Journeys without a Map – Three Significant Losses in My Life


Three losses in my childhood brought me all the way from Japan to here New York to study music therapy and now I am working with mostly very sick people. My journey is that I never planned and which was taken without maps. It is a description of the winter landscapes of the soul, that far country where I found myself after unexpected, sudden, and shattering losses. In this landscape there really are no maps, no markers to plot the course of grief. Here I’ve been forced to find my own way.


In 1986 August, my dearest grandmother closed her 62 years life after a few weeks of hospitalization, which is my fist contact with illness and death. I was ten. She was supposed to be discharged the following week while medical staff had done nothing for her continuous abdominal pain. Everybody was desperate and insane; why she had to die. 


              Three month later, my sweet brother left me alone after 5 years co-living with a life-threatening disease. He was only 9.

              I never forget the day that my brother vomited black blood on a yellow wooden floor when my family was watching TV. He was five. Since then, he’d been hospitalized in and out until he finally ended his life surrounded by his families, relatives and medical staffs at the hospital. In his last morning, I was about to go to school when my grandmother told me that we had to go to the hospital. Once I saw my brother surrounded by my mother and medical staff, I immediately realized that he was soon going to die. He looked painful and in comma, breathing with his shoulder. I busted into tears, realizing there was no hope to play with him again. However, crying, I talked to him “you will soon get better. Then, we go to school together.” I needed hope that he would recover in order not to go to crazy; his sudden death could not be acceptable to me. In response, amazingly and unexpectedly, he opened his eyes and looked at me a few seconds and closed his eyes eternally. He came back in order to say good-bye to me and returned on his path. I felt he was fading, becoming less and less distinct, drifting backwards, moving farther away from me, into a kind of dark place. I could not stop him. Officially he died soon after, but I knew in those first moments that he was gone, that in passing beyond that veil he had passed into another place. I never forget the moment of our last eye contact.


              In 1995 January, my uncle died alone in absence of his family at a hospital a few blocks away from his house. He had lost his voice after having a surgery to remove cancers. After the surgery, he was depressed, but nobody, even his family, seriously listened to nor supported him. When he wrote down “I want to die”, his family got angry and denied,  “you should not say it again.” His family was afraid of facing death as much as he was. Even though I lived far away from the hospital at that time, I blamed myself, not being able to listen to him.


After first two significant deaths, I started talking with my grandmother and brother in my bed every night. I told them what I did and thought each day and they listened to me every words carefully. They did not speak much, but their voice seemed to surrounding me, and what I noticed most of all was the tone with which they called me. Their voice had the same qualities of love, tenderness, and compassion and the same soft feel of an embrace, as if the sound itself had a texture to it. They had loved and wormed me since I was born and now again they were worming and loving me through their own death, summoning me to awake.


Now I have been working on my master theses, which led me into another intensive grief period. My small room was silent except for the rhythmic ticking of a clock on the wall. It was cold, the chill in the apartment not yet warmed by the feeble early morning light. But I was accustomed to these moments before the day began, moments when I took simple pleasure in wrapping myself in a bathrobe and blanket to sit still and motionless. Waking early in the morning, I always sought refuge in this quiet oasis of solitude.


              I loved these moments and the setting, and I especially loved the melancholic mood which marked these occasions. I felt a kind of sad peace in this melancholy, a feeling which seemed to be composed of two real parts. On one hand, I always felt as if I was seeing things for the last time, as if I could sense in the very presence of things their fading. On the other hand, in the early morning light, I also felt as if I was seeing things for the first time, as if I was witnessing not only the start of the day but also the true origins of the world.


              Such a feeling was reminiscent of an earlier time in my life, when, as a young girl, I would venture outside my home in the early morning in order to be present to the day as it was beginning. These were the summer when school was finished and I felt liberated into another, different identity, when I was no longer the child of my parents but a stranger in this beautiful world. Often, I would simply sit on a bench, and while watching ants or the floating arcs of a butterfly, I would daydream. In these moments, I knew that I had come from somewhere and that these occasions were times for recollecting that other place beyond this time and space. When finally the day would begin, when the grown-ups would enter the day on their way to work, I was always somewhat disappointed at the loss of this moment, when the world had a newness about it, a fresh quality which gave me a quiet sense of joy. I also felt sad at being robbed of a secret about the origins of things, sad about this loss of contact with origins.


              I believe, now, that the loss of my families opened up for me not only a sorrow about my own personal origins, about our past together which now no longer had a future, but also reopened those earlier moments of an origin beyond a personal history. I believe now that melancholy is a kind of crucible where loss and origins blend together, where grief and its cloudy, liquid sorrows, momentarily clear, and we get a glimpse of our true home and catch a brief vision of the face we had before we were born. The lyrical improvisations sung in celebration of the world in this chapter have this undertone of a return to origins as a path back into life.


              As I look back now, I know that in those moments it was not I who was sitting patiently waiting in the stillness and silence for the return of that something I once had but had left behind. In those early morning moments, when the light was still soft and vulnerable that it broke the hardness of my heart, it was the Orphan, that melancholic companion of the soul in grief, who sat still and motionless.


              On some of these mornings, the waiting was accompanied by the reading of a book. To be more precise, I was not exactly reading a book; the book was more like an occasion for slipping into a state of reverie, in which my conscious mind fell into the dreaming state of the soul. Gaston Bachelard says of reverie, “We were reading and now we are dreaming,” (1969. p. 65) and I can attest to this power of reverie to dissolve the boundaries between us and the world. In this between place, I would find myself a part of what I was experiencing rather that a part from it, safely ensconced in the small chambers of my own ego-mind. I this happy place, I inhabited the world in such a way that the taken-for-granted parameters of space and time temporarily disappeared. I was never surprised, therefore, that through the book as an occasion for reverie, an entire morning could slip by. How pleasant it was to while away a whole morning in the solitude of reverie, to discover that dawn had brightened into a sun yellow afternoon.

              Melancholy has this same power to loosen the soul from the shackles of the mind and to plunge us into that place where we feel ourselves solicited by the world, especially the appeal which the perishable things of the world make, even in the moment of their highest flowering. Within melancholy’s grasp, we sense that “Life becomes immense when we start recognizing that there is no assurance that we will live out this day.” (Levine, S. 1982. p.74) No assurance either that those whom we most love will walk through the door again at the end of the day. One moment my younger brother, grandmother and uncle were there in the room with me, and then they were gone. This recognition of the fragile and temporary presence of those whom we love, this recognition more than anything else, now shapes my way of living.


              I admit that my internship place is a difficult place to be, this place where I feel like I am a witness to the blooming and the fading of the world. It is a sad place, and yet a place too that is scented with a kind of peace and joy. In my like now I insist on the right to my melancholy. It is the small treasure that lies buried under the frozen firlds of morning. Anyone who has endured that winter landscape, anyone who by some miracle had survived the bone breaking blasts of the winter winds of the soul, deserves to celebrate the thaw which uncovers this treasure.


              I cannot accept, therefore, the idea that melancholy is a neurotic condition. But this is precisely the view which Sigmund Freud espoused in his seminal essay Mourning and Melancholia (1957). For Freud, melancholia was a failed mourning, specifically a kind of denial on the part of the ego-mind to let go of the one who has died. In place of a gradual process of letting go of the other who has died, which characterizes the condition of mourning, the melancholic individual unconsciously identifies with the lost other. He then continues to behave as if the other has not died and in doing so continuously repeats the past, looking to find in others a duplicate of what has been lost. In a sense the melancholic one is entombed in a dead past.

              My experience of melancholy, however, convinces me that it is precisely the opposite of what Freud said. Melancholy did not chain me to the past. On the contrary, it liberated me into the present, where I am more attentive to the tenuous beauty of the moment, more appreciative of it. I melancholy, I linger just a little longer with the other, perhaps to take a deeper look or perhaps to hold the hand just a fraction longer, because I know that this moment will never come again.


              I believe Freud missed this poignant character of melancholy because he was looking at grief and mourning from the vantage point of the ego-mind and not, strangely enough, from the vantage point of the soul. I know for myself that there were many moments when I felt hustled and hurried back into busyness, and I was even somewhat criticized for my melancholy. To some of my friends, it was as if I was wallowing in a slough of despair. But I was not. On the contrary, I was being led by the soul on its winter journey through mourning, living according to its rhythms which were beyond my control. In mourning, the soul was dissolving my own personal loss in the larger story of love and loss which characterizes the round of all creation.


              The journey of grief through mourning into melancholy always has this power to connect us to this larger story of love and loss, a story which reaches even to the stars. I know that there have been many moments when the vast expanse of the night sky has been the exact mirror of my melancholic soul, when this midnight sky embraced me, made me feel at home, and filled me with a sense that what I once had and had lost or forgotten or left behind was this cosmic connection, this feeling that I did belong to the round dance of divine, holy creation. In this respect, the patients whom Freud saw were, I believe, expressing through their personal sorrows the hunger of the ego-mind for this connection, a connection which was lost when centuries ago we served our ties to the world and created that ego-mind which with its symptoms limped into Freud’s consulting room in the latter part of the last century. Through personal loss and the mourning process, the modern ego-mind was expressing its grief over its lost relation to the soul and its wider field of love. In this respect, I believe that melancholy is a way that soul deepens mind and seeks to restore to personal life, its collective and transpersonal dimensions.


              It was this larger story of loss and grief speaking through the mourning, but Freud lacked the cosmic vision on hear it. To hear melancholy of the soul as something other than a neurotic symptom we would have to go back to an earlier time, perhaps five hundred years ago, when melancholia, the older thsem which Freud used, was one of four styles of temperament. In addition to the melancholic, there was the sanguine one, the phlegmatic one, and the choleric one. Each of them described a person whose basic mood or disposition was the expression of a complex relation between the humours of the body and the stars. If we have lost our appreciation for these terms, it is because we have lost our connection to the larger picture where soul and star are one.


              My own grief, mourning, and the melancholy which has flowered from them, have led me back to this appreciation of the larger story. The soul’s way has been the guide, and on its path I have come to cherish the singularity of each moment, each one of which will never come again, and any one of could be the last.

 Intensive grief at my first Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) session


In June 2002, I had the first GIM session and three of us, my brother, grand mother and me, met again in my imagery. It’s been a long time since their last hospitalization. We were surrounded by a radiant white light and had increased well beyond the physical dimensions of their former earthly life. I did not think the word “angel”. But the word was there. They had already taken on the form of their angelic existence.


Larry Dossey, a physician who has written eloquently about the power of prayer in illness, calls angels the missing link. Defending the notion of invitation, the downward descent of spirit into matter (a journey opposite the Darwinian notion of evolution with its emphasis on the ascent of matter to consciousness), Dossey says in “Angels: The Missing Link,” that “somewhere between the Godhead and that final level of descent, is the angelic domain.” I don’t know if he is right, and there really is no way of finally knowing, because his claim is not a matter of empirical facts. There is no fossil record left in stone or bone which in evidence of the mark of the angel on us. And yet, somehow we know the truth of this claim. If not in our minds, then we know it in our hearts. This difference between the mind’s and the heart’s way of knowing seems crucial, and maybe, as Dossey points out, to detect the lingering presence of the angel is a question of how we look, a question of our attitude. Maybe the critical mind is just too inhospitable for angels, too suspicious even of their possibility to give them a place. And, maybe when grief dissolves the mind and its ways of knowing, when we truly do lose our minds in grief, a small space is opened for the angel appearing.


But, again, I do not know their voice, however, comforted me, and when I saw them they were different, larger the life and enveloped in a different form. Elaborating Dossey’s idea that angel’s presence might have to do with how I look, he adds that it might have even more to do with how I listen. The “evidence of angels,” he writes, “may be more acoustical than visual.”


Perhaps in the final analysis the attuned heart is the necessary condition for the Angel to appear. In my grief the heart’s song is one of sorrow, a song of lament. Maybe the Angel is especially receptive to me in my moments of pain and sorrow, in my moments of loss and grief. Maybe that is why it seems to me that the Angel is the other face of the Orphan.


Over the course of the years I saw my grandmother and brother in this guise mostly before asleep. In addition, as the deep slow process of mourning gave way to melancholy, I saw the faces of the Angel many times. I have come to believe that like the Orphan who stands at the abyss, the Angel that waits at the edges of the world, waits to escort me beyond our own personal sorrow, beyond the state of psychological inwardness and isolation. The Angel waits to escort us into a realm which I can only describe as one of cosmological connectedness, into that place where even in that early moment of grief I felt connected with and held by forces beyond the human realm.


I can return now to this sense of being a part of all creation when I look at Van Gogh’s painting, Starry Night. What must he have felt in those moments under the canopy of all that brilliant light? I find joy and sadness in that painting. Joy, and even a note of celebration, in recognizing that we are star stuff, that something of this heavenly light touches us, that something of the angelic dusts our soul. And sadness in recognizing how far away we are from these moments of connection with all of creation, how our lives here are always punctuated with loss and sorrow, with forgetfulness and isolation. And yet in those moments when I saw the Angel, I knew that our deepest and most painful sorrows can have a spiritual intensity. Through the Angel I learned that personal grief and loss can be moments of potential spiritual transformation.