Atsuko Nadata recieved training as a professional pianist at Toho College of Music in Tokyo, and received
a MA in Music Therapy from New York University Graduate School of Education.
She finished Bony Method Guided Imagery and Music class work at Creative Art Institute, MARI and Reiki training level
She is currently studying in Grief Counseling Ph.D program at Brayer University.
Her working experiences as a music therapist include internships at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and New
York Foundling Hospital, volunteer work at a pre-school for hearing impaired children and a short term psychiatric ward at
Woodholl Hospital, as well as numerous private and group sessions in New York and Tokyo.
She practices private music therapy sessions at her office and also belongs to Beacon hospice and Dana-Farber
Cancer Institute Hospice demention.
She is a certified grief counselor.